Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Mutual Benefits reached their 10 year anniversary just weeks before the U.S. Marshals raided the office. Their was a picnic style celebration held at a park somewhere in Broward county. There was music, food, entertainment, and a talent contest. For 10 years this company has been in business, and what I find strange is how it lasted so long. Why did it take a decade to figure out what was going on? Does this mean Mutual was conducting good business in the beginning? There is no way they can use new investors money to pay old premiums when they first started. So the next question is, were they giving out bogus life expectancies from the beginning? After everything I've read I wouldn't doubt it. I'm in no position to say what is what. The lawyers, and the evidence will tell the story. I think Dr. Mitchell was one of their physicians from the beginning, and look where he ended up. Dr. Mitchell would visit Melanie Goldberg's office just about every day. I though it was a routine check up, but only Melanie knows the real story behind that. I wish she would make a blog. She can call it "The REAL Life Inside Mutual Benefits". And where is Melanie Goldberg now? She was a very funny woman. I'd say funny in a good way. Great sense of humor. Why did she wait so long to say what she said? Was she out for vengeance? Was their a fallout between her and the Steingers? Weeks before the raid I noticed something different about her. She was very quiet, and just not herself. It's as if she knew they were coming, but didn't know when. I don't know for sure, it's just my assumption. But some people tell a story just with the face they wear. And now that I think about it, I don't recall seeing her at the 10 year anniversary picnic.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


A lot of people question the fact that I was working there for seven years, and had no idea what was going on. I wasn't in the physicians office when bogus life expectancies were being given out. I wasn't on the phone with the agents or the salesmen. Can you imagine how long they would have stayed in business if everyone in the office knew what was going on? Do you really think the Steingers are going to run a fraudulent operation that's so fraudulent even the employees know about it. Are the employees just going to keep their mouths shut? From what I read in the papers, Melanie Goldberg was one of the only employees that didn't stay anonymous. She knew what was going on because she was in one of those departments that was involved, or shall I say "in tune" with the scandal. In my eyes there were many other departments that were innocent, and in no way were "in tune" with the scheme. Unless you were "in tune" with the whole operation, you really didn't know what was going on. If you did know, then your just as guilty as the individuals who are responsible. If I knew I would have found another job. I seen Bari Wiggins on rampages, denying policy entries left and right. She had an iron fist. What she portrayed made it seam like it was a legitimate business. So, forgive me for being naive, but there is no way I would've known the new investors money was being used to pay old premiums. I guess i never got the memo.


I must admit, the Mutual Benefits Christmas parties were amazing. Every Christmas there was a celebration where everyone would get really dressed up, I'm talking dress to impress type of thing. Every year I felt like I was in High School again getting ready for the prom. They were held in the biggest and most extravagant banquet halls. Only God knows how much money is spent on one of these parties. Some years it felt like I was going to the grammys because they would give out awards to employees; unfortunately I wasn't one of those employees. But I did feel like a nominee going into each party. That's why every year I had to buy a suit and take it back the next day. Yes, the tags stayed on it while I wore it; just had to tuck them. Took me a whole day to put together a good enough outfit, to be able to hang with the guys that make the big bucks. This is just another night out on the town for some of these guys. For me this was a big deal. I had a different date each year and i must say that all my dates had the time of their lives. Those parties were awesome! But I hope I don't sound as if I'm gloating, because I'm not. I'm merely telling you my experience's while working inside the walls of Mutual Benefits. The Christmas party was something they did for us, the innocent employees who were just working a 9 to 5 living check to check. They treated us like royalty with this party. Free open bar all night. Magicians, people walking on stilts, Brazilian dancers, you name it and they booked it for these parties. I'm not used to these finer things of life. I was in awe every year, and every time felt like the first time I went. The salesmen didn't see it the same way. All the big timers and high rollers of Mutual were there to impress. It was kinda like a competition with the women on who had the best hair, dress, or shoes. I heard one of the Steingers wife would actually rent a diamond necklace, but not just any diamond necklace. Remember these people had enough money to buy whatever they want. So you can just imagine how big these diamonds were. It looked like she had big ice crystals around her neck. All the wives of all the high rollers were amazed by the necklace. I wonder if they knew that she rented it. Well, either way for me these parties were the best parties I've ever been to in my life. And yes, I did get laid after every party...thank you Mutual Benefits!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Joel Steinger Was a Heavy Man

Every time Joel was in the office everyone could feel it. It felt like Bigfoot was roaming through the halls. You could actually feel the ground shake as he took each step. Sounded like someone was pounding the floor with a sledgehammer. It didn't matter where in the office I was. If Joel Steinger was walking through the office I could pin point where he was, and actually follow the loud stomping of his feet to where he was going. There was no grace in his step. It was as if he wanted everyone to know when he was in the building.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


William Anleu worked for the Latin department in Mutual Benefits. He was a good guy with a good heart. One day William didn’t show up for work. Co-workers were a little suspicious, because William would never miss work without calling out sick. After about four days of no call no show, Williams best friend, along with an off duty officer went to Williams home to see if he was ok. When they arrived to the parking lot, they witnessed Mario Mershan, Williams friend who was visiting from New Jersey, dragging a large duffel bag towards Williams car. Mario Mershan stabbed William to death several nights before, and stuffed his body in the the duffel bag. Lt. Ralph Garcia of Hialeah Police said “ Subject in this case walked over to the bedroom for whatever reason, and he still doesn’t know why, goes to the kitchen, took two knives, goes back to the bedroom, and stabs the victim numerous times.” Authorities report that Mershan left Williams body in the duffel bag in a closet for five days until the night when he tried to move it. Mershan tried to run when he was spotted dragging the bag, but the off duty police officer went after him, and held him at gun point until the Hialeah police arrived. Mershan planned to use the victim’s own car, a silver Mitsubishi Eclipse, to hide the body. “Said he was going to drive around and either throw the body in the lake with the car or without the car, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do,” says Lt. Garcia. Mershan has been charged with murder. It was a dark day in Mutual Benefits following this event. Many employees were in tears when they heard the news. It was a terrible tragedy which still haunts me to this day.